
August 31, 2020

Top 5 Helpful Podcasts for Pre-meds

By: Savvy Pre-Med Staff

As a pre-med student, your time is precious. You’re writing your secondary essays, practicing your virtual interview skills for AAMC’s VITA, preparing for the CASPer, studying hard for mid-terms, planning your path to med school, and stressing about whether you're good enough to make it in the end.

How in the world will you have time to find the information you need to succeed in this application process?

The answer: podcasts.

Whether you’re studying, driving, or exercising, podcasts allow you to multitask. What better way to kill two birds with one stone?

With podcast popularity on the rise, podcasts offer endless options and topics, including the medical school application process, medical education, and medicine.

Out of the 700,000 active podcasts, which are most helpful for pre-meds?

Top 5 Helpful Podcasts for Pre-meds

We narrowed down this list to five podcasts based on:

  • The value of its content
  • The recency and relevancy of its posts
  • The consistency and stability of its episode releases

We hope at least one of the podcasts below will fit into your busy life. You can find these on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your podcast app of choice:

Podcast #1 - The Premed Years

Dr. Ryan and Allison Gray, two married physicians, created the Premed Years podcast to provide valuable advice, information, and tips to premed students. It has been nominated as an Academy of Podcasters Awards finalist as a top podcast in the Science and Medicine category.

The episodes cover preparation for medical school, updates on the medical school admissions process, tips on writing personal statements, and advice on shadowing and volunteer opportunities.

New episodes are released every Wednesday.

Podcast #2 - The Savvy Pre-Med

The founder of Passport Admissions, Rob Humbracht, created the Savvy Pre-Med podcast to add another valuable resource for pre-meds to utilize.

Approximately 89% of Passport Admissions’ students are accepted into medical school. With this experience, the Savvy Pre-Med created episodes covering preparation and updates on the medical school application process, tips on having your application stand out, preparation for the CASPer, and how to write about coronavirus in your medical school essays.

New episodes are released once every month.

Podcast #3 - Bedside Rounds

Looking for a break from the admissions process? Look no further and check out Bedside Rounds, a narrative-based medical podcast.

Beside Rounds was created by Dr. Adam Rodman in 2014 when he was a second-year resident in internal medicine at Oregon Health and Science University. As a medical educator, Dr. Rodman’s episodes cover medical history and the intellectual, social, and cultural currents that shape modern medicine.

New episodes are released once every month.

Podcast #4 - Talking Admissions and Med Student Life

With guests including pre-med advisors, physicians, faculty, alumni, and current medical students, Dr. Benjamin Chan, Assistant Dean of Admissions at the University of Utah's School of Medicine, discusses a wide range of topics to guide pre-med students on their journey.

The episodes cover tips to getting admitted into medical school, insights to familiarize pre-meds with the culture of medical student life, and how to balance medical school and life outside of school.

New episodes are released once every month.

Podcast #5 - Pluripotent Premed

Want to hear a fresh perspective from two current medical students in Canada?

Ziad and Christopher are second-year medical students at Schulich School of Medicine in London, ON who created the Pluripotent Premed podcast to help pre-med students navigate the medical school admissions process.

The episodes cover a new perspective on what it means to be a pre-med student in Canada, advice on the MCAT, and tips on medical school interviews and extracurriculars.

New episodes are released every Monday.

Have any great pre-med podcast recommendations that we missed? Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll respond to you personally!