
May 21, 2018

The Real AMCAS Medical School Deadlines

By: Rob Humbracht

How much does it matter to apply early to medical school? We touched on the idea briefly when we posted this year’s AMCAS application dates, but, because we’re getting down to the wire, I’ve created a video (complete with a Lego pre-med) to show you whether it’s advisable to submit late this cycle. .

Part of the secret about when to submit your AMCAS is that the deadlines are not the real deadlines. I repeat: the deadlines are not the real deadlines. It’s application suicide to wait until the last day listed on a school’s website to apply.

Why, if that’s the date they’ve listed? Rolling admissions means that every day counts. These days, the rush to submit the application on the opening date - not the deadline - means that few spots remain for those applying late (August or later).

Watch the video where I’ve coined new phrases for the application deadlines that better illustrate the cutoffs:

Bruised-line: June 15 - submitting your AMCAS by this date won’t ruin your chances, but it does mean your application is behind the thousands who submit in the first few days that the application opens.

Wounded-line: July 1 - applying by this date certainly hurts, but it still might make sense as long as your numbers are strong (i.e. you can take a wound and still survive).

Damned-line: August 1 - not impossible to get in, but submitting your AMCAS after August 1 hurts your chances significantly.

Deadlines: October - December. Sure, these are the actual cutoffs for these US allopathic medical schools.

Follow these and you’ll be in great shape for submitting your AMCAS. Good luck!