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July 17, 2017. 3 Practice CASPer Questions and Best Responses. Ryan Kelly. By: Ryan Kelly. CASPER SCENARIO 1 - VIDEO. (My written account of the video). One member of your student group, Sue, is showing up unprepared and not contributing.…
Sample CASPer Test Questions: Monty Python Style. Rob Humbracht. By: Rob Humbracht. You may have heard that there's a new test required by a growing list of medical schools: the CASPer. The spread of its use has been fairly fast.…
How should you prepare for the CASPer test? Ryan Kelly. By: Ryan Kelly. The word ‘Casper’ might evoke an image of the personable cartoon ghost from tv and comic books. But is the CASPer as student-friendly as our beloved ghost?…
CASPer. or have registered for it recently, you have probably received the following message: “Thank you for taking the time to complete your CASPer test. We are excited to invite you to take CASPer Snapshot – a video response tool.…
FAQ: Everything You Need to Know About the CASPer Test. The Savvy Premed. FAQ: Everything You Need to Know About the CASPer Test. Time to warm up those typing fingers and crush your CASPer Test. By: Savvy Pre-Med Staff.…
The Savvy Pre-med Comprehensive Guide to the CASPer Test. Ryan Kelly. How did the CASPer test come about, you ask?…
Surefire Tips for Improving Your CASPer Score (With Examples). The Savvy Premed. Surefire Tips for Improving Your CASPer Score (With Examples). This is what we imagine students’ relief and euphoria look like when they finish their CASPer.…
What is the Casper Test? Casper is an online situational judgment test (SJT) that poses hypothetical ethical dilemmas or difficult conflicts and asks you how you’d respond and why.…
Using Fortune Cookies to Practice Text-based CASPer Test Prompts. Ryan Kelly. In the grand scheme, fortune cookies are only one step above bumper stickers in terms of depth and philosophical weight.…
When should I take the CASPer and AAMC SJT? How do I sign up for them? Register. for the CASPer. Register. for the AAMC SJT (you will need an. AAMC account. ). CASPer: Some participating.…